Women are notorious for giving and doing for others so much that they leave no time for themselves. We put our desires and dreams on the shelf in the back of the closet and hope that one day, we'll be able to take it out, dust it off, and do what we really want. Someday. But "someday" never comes - until YOU make time for YOU!
There are three areas that I've noticed women typically neglect in their lives - to their detriment! These areas are powerhouses that fuel your life with zest and vibrancy, but when neglected, it's like putting a dead battery in your car and expecting it to run! That's not going to happen! You need to keep these three areas charged up and full so you can operate with full energy and power. Supercharge your life by making time for you!
In the episode, I shared a special offer for my Super Power Pack (the deal was only for November 2019). But you can still get in on that power pack right here: https://www.emerginglifecoaching.com/assessment