How Big is Your Ask?
When you dream bigger, you step into bigger places with bigger results. I recently learned a very powerful exercise called Earth Angels and it shifted something inside me around this idea of dreaming bigger. It has to do with inviting abundance into my life, instead of inviting scarcity - something I have struggled with my entire life.
How to Find Your Voice
Not too many years ago, I would not have been able to lead a workshop like I did last weekend. But now I do it with joy and confidence, loving every minute of it. I think my struggle to find my voice is not uncommon, especially among women. There are many messages we pick up and internalize that tell us that what we have to say is not important or even needed. We’re told to take a back seat, don’t be too assertive or have too many opinions, and definitely don’t take the lead. Even today, with so many women in powerful and influential positions, those messages still pervade the subconscious minds of so many of us.